Practice Challenge 2018
April is Practice Month at Upper Beaches Music School! We are pumped to share more tips, games and blog posts with you on how to practice effectively with your child.

Here are the rules to our challenge:
1. Each week, every student will be given a customized practice goal by their music teacher. It could involve practicing a certain amount of days that week, for a certain amount of time each day, and/or very specific list of items to practice.
2. If the student reaches their goal, they are awarded a guess card by the teacher.

3. Students use the guess cards to guess how many jellybeans are in the jar in the waiting area. The more times they reach their practice goal over the month of April, the more guesses they can make.
4. Whoever guesses the closest amount of jellybeans in the jar wins the jar of jelly beans!
5. As added motivation, we are competing with our sister school in west Toronto (Orrett Music Academy) to see which school gets the most guesses per student, on average throughout the month of April.
6. In the final week, any student that reaches their goal and submits a guess card will be awarded a small bag of jelly beans.
Here are some of the blog posts we've shared this month to help make practicing more fun and manageable: