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Get a head start in music.

Music is meant to be shared.

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When music is learned in community with others, it fosters growth in empathy, social skills, and musicality.

Please Note: Pre-Instrumental classes are not eligible for a free trial lesson.

Pre-Instrumental Program


Our Kodály, Orff and Eurhythmics programs ignite the music within, nurturing musical ability,
appreciation and literacy.


Begins with the voice strengthening singing and its related skills including ear-training, solfege, sight- singing, inner-hearing and eventually literacy.



Encourages creativity through a progression from speech, to singing, to body percussion, to movement, to instrument-play (pitched/unpitched percussion) and eventually improvisation.


Acknowledges the foundation of musical rhythm comes from the natural rhythms of the body. Through movement, eurhythmics cultivates awareness, self-control and expression.



Term: September 6, 2022-June 3, 2023


Tuition: $704

  • Students are welcome to register for classes at any time and do not have to wait for the start of the next term. Tuition will be prorated based on the start date.

PRESCHOOL (3-4 years)

Children explore the foundations of music- melody, beat and  rhythm - through speech, singing, rhythmic chanting,  instruments, movement and fantasy play. Unpitched  percussion instruments (skins/woods/metals) promote  coordination and motor control. Repertoire explores a child’s  growing world of numbers, letters, colours and nature while  developing musical  confidence, verbal and social skills.

*Preschool (3-4 years) will not be offered during the 2022-2023 session.

JK (4-5 years)

Children explore the foundations of music - melody, beat and  rhythm - through speech, singing, rhythmic chanting,  instruments, movement and fantasy play. Unpitched  percussion instruments (skins/woods/metals) promote  coordination and motor control. Repertoire explores a child’s  growing world of numbers, letters, colours and nature while  developing musical confidence, verbal and social skills.

  • BLOOR Location:

    • Thursdays: 5:00-5:45pm

      • Note: This class is only available at our Bloor location


SK (5-6 years)

Children develop melodic and rhythmic understanding with  increased sensitivity to expression, quality of sound, rhythmic  flow, patterning and form. Literacy skills are rapidly developing,  and ear-training activities introduce pentatonic/major scales  and solfege notation, further explored on a wide variety of  pitched and unpitched instruments. Students learn to both lead  and follow and to respect the physical space and ideas of their  peers.

*SK (5-6 years) will not be offered during the 2022-2023 session.

Ensemble Programs


Our fun and empowering Ensemble classes focus on creativity  and developing musical expression. They are designed as the  final stage before private instrumental study. Through musical exploration students learn how music is created, as well as  how to intuitively create their own music. They develop strong  melodic/rhythmic literacy, solfege and inner-hearing skills  critical for instrument study. 



Term: September 6, 2022-June 3, 2023


Tuition: $832

  • Students are welcome to register for classes at any time and do not have to wait for the start of the next term. Tuition will be prorated based on the start date.

ORFF ENSEMBLE (6-7 years)

Children chant, sing, move, play and improvise music on  xylophones and glockenspiels. Musical expression and form  are introduced and students acquire a vocabulary of important  concepts, experience music from other cultures and are  introduced to composers through listening activities.

  • BLOOR Location:

    • Wednesdays: 4:15-5:15pm

      • Note: This class is only available at our Bloor location

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